The life & times of Joel, Stacy, & family. We are a young, Christian family seeking to honor God in all that we do. Come along as we strive to make our house a home, grow and train our family, and have fun along the way. Enjoy the ride...we know we will!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Growing Girl

I took these photos of Edith last night while Stacy was making supper. I believe, in the 8th photo into the slideshow, you can see Edith's two bottom teeth she recently "acquired." Hopefully Stacy will correct me, if I'm wrong, but I think Edith only has one tooth in on the top. She's loving chewing on things and drives Stacy crazy by grinding her teeth. Stacy has been working with her on picking the cereal up and eating it on her own. As you can see in the photos, she sometimes misses the mark.

Potty Training Update: Stacy has worked with Edith on her potty training this week. I believe that Edith went each time she was "on the pot." She does really well with staying on her "toilet." Alright, enough quotations for today. I'll try to get some more potty training pictures soon.

As always, thanks for tuning in to our little family updates.



Anonymous said...

potty training a BABY?! you guys have WAY too much time on your hands!

The Bookworm said...

Edith has BEAUTIFUL eyes!! What a sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Grandma Ham says...
Three teeth-wow those sure came in in quickly! looks like she really loves the Cheerios! Glad the potty training is going well! Thanks so much for the darling pictures!!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is you guys are nuts! It's ok though. You'll recover from the over-achiever first time parent thing with the arrival of child #2!

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