The life & times of Joel, Stacy, & family. We are a young, Christian family seeking to honor God in all that we do. Come along as we strive to make our house a home, grow and train our family, and have fun along the way. Enjoy the ride...we know we will!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I've been told time & time again that my beautiful little daughter looks just like me (scary thought). Two things that I see that point towards that are the prominent crease in the upper lip and the "strawberry" birth mark on the forehead. Granted the photo of me is from when I was older than how old Edith is now, but you can see the similarities I mentioned.

I'm just so thankful to God that He gave me a healthy girl who loves to eat! I failed to mention this in my previous posts on Tuesday, but we had our 2nd doctor's appointment and Edie weighed in at 10 lbs.! She gained a little over 2 lbs. in one week! Now try to calculate how many dirty diapers that makes. ;)

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What's Happenin' With Boomer?

Boomer continues to grow! We have no way of weighing him, so I can only guess. He would probably tip the scales at 100 lbs. His coat has come in thicker, which makes it even more fun to clean him. He enjoys spending his free time laying in the shade, on the dirt, in the backyard. Occasionally, he will get up and check things out. He is always up for playing something and receiving lots of attention. He will be getting a new, larger, kennel soon, so I can reclaim my garage. ;)

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1st Bath

Edie had her 1st bath on Saturday night. She loved being in the water and didn't mind being scrubbed by Mom & Dad. Gotta love that clean baby smell!

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Family Visits

Edith has had some family visitors of late. Great Aunt Susan & Uncle Kenny stopped by for a visit. Momma Ham flew up from IL to see her 5th grandchild. Edie's loved the company & attention. Thank you for coming by and feel free to stop by again, anytime.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thumb Sucker

We are not encouraging this habit, but it is pretty cute.

Edith News

Sorry for the delay in posting more about our little girl.

Saturday: We were discharged from the hospital and were happy to go home with Edie. Grandma & Grandpa Leeman came over to help us with some much needed work around the house. Edie adjusted to the non-sterile and hardly-climate-controlled environment of our home quite well. She was introduced to Boomer for the 1st time and he was very interested in our little bundle. He's still trying to figure her out. The 1st night at home went alright. We were up a few times, but not too bad.

Sunday: Edie made the trip to church @ 4 days old and made a lot of people happy. We went to a graduation open house after church and rested at Grandma & Grandpa Leeman's until the Sunday evening service. Stacy and Edith were troopers to last all day away from home and we had a great day.

Tuesday: Edith had her 1st doctor's appointment. Doctor Allen was pleased with how she was doing. Edie's jaundice was almost all gone and she weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz.

Monday-Friday: Stacy and Edith have been enjoying the company of Grandma Leeman this week. She has been a tremendous help to Stacy and we wouldn't know what to do without her. A lot has been done to keep the home operating smoothly. Thanks Ruth for all your help!

Grandma Ham will be arriving on Friday. We are looking forward to hosting her for the week. Grandpa Ham will be driving his classic truck up from IL for a show at the State Fair grounds the weekend of the 22nd-24th, so he will be here soon to see his new granddaughter.

We are so thankful for all of the visitors we had at the hospital and the friendly reception we had at church! God has blessed us with great friends & family!

Stay tuned...

Click on the photographs for a larger version.

Cousin Josh
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Saturday, June 9, 2007


Alright, this is my last post for the evening. Stace and I are turning in for our last night of sleep at the hospital. I will try to keep up with blogging about Edith and all of our other Ham family escapades. So, good night & good luck!

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Real Men Wear Pink

Yes, I will now wear pink. Not that I feel that I need to have an excuse to wear certain colors...

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Edie's Visitors

Edith has had a lot of visitors since she graced us with her presence. We've loved having friends & family stop by and can't wait to introduce Edie to everyone that wasn't able to come to the hospital.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Face Shot

Here's one of our favorite photos of our little girl.

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Dad's 1st Diaper Change

Well, to the best of my knowledge I successfully avoided changing a diaper my entire life. I always said that I would change my own child's and now I have. Edith was a good sport and didn't give me too hard of a time. 1 down...hundreds to go!

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Edith's 1st Video

Hello Everyone! We were able to get some good video of Edith awake and ready to eat. Click on the link below to see it.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Edith Lynn Ham

PRAISE GOD! Edith Lynn Ham entered the world at 12:07 a.m. on Thursday, June 7th, 2007. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and measured 22 inches! She appears to be healthy in all respects and has a good set of lungs. Stacy did a wonderful job and is sleeping soundly as I type.

I'll let everyone else weigh in on who she looks like. So, what's your opinion?

Thank you so much for all the prayers. We can't wait for you all to meet her and for her to meet all of you!

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About Us

Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States