The life & times of Joel, Stacy, & family. We are a young, Christian family seeking to honor God in all that we do. Come along as we strive to make our house a home, grow and train our family, and have fun along the way. Enjoy the ride...we know we will!

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Alright, this is my last post for the evening. Stace and I are turning in for our last night of sleep at the hospital. I will try to keep up with blogging about Edith and all of our other Ham family escapades. So, good night & good luck!

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Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for sending all the wonderful pictures and video clip!!!! Edith is just a doll and her mommy and daddy look awfully proud, as well they should be.
Joel, you do look good in pink!!
Grandma H

VrouwBouwman said...

She's adorable! I love this picture---it looks like she's puckering up for a little smooch!:)Edith Lynn is precious, and I can't wait to meet her so I can give her a little squeeze and a smooch!;)

Aunt B said...

That is what you call 'puckering up'! :-) She's a cutie!

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Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States