The life & times of Joel, Stacy, & family. We are a young, Christian family seeking to honor God in all that we do. Come along as we strive to make our house a home, grow and train our family, and have fun along the way. Enjoy the ride...we know we will!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I've been told time & time again that my beautiful little daughter looks just like me (scary thought). Two things that I see that point towards that are the prominent crease in the upper lip and the "strawberry" birth mark on the forehead. Granted the photo of me is from when I was older than how old Edith is now, but you can see the similarities I mentioned.

I'm just so thankful to God that He gave me a healthy girl who loves to eat! I failed to mention this in my previous posts on Tuesday, but we had our 2nd doctor's appointment and Edie weighed in at 10 lbs.! She gained a little over 2 lbs. in one week! Now try to calculate how many dirty diapers that makes. ;)

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Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy,

How wonderful to see your new little bundle of joy! (my sister actually told me you are a blogger) Congrats with being a new mom. I'll be checking out your site often.

Sarah Brock

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Thank you. Feel free to check it out as often as you want! ;) Hey, what is your email address, I don't think that I have it.


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Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States