The life & times of Joel, Stacy, & family. We are a young, Christian family seeking to honor God in all that we do. Come along as we strive to make our house a home, grow and train our family, and have fun along the way. Enjoy the ride...we know we will!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Growing Girl

I took these photos of Edith last night while Stacy was making supper. I believe, in the 8th photo into the slideshow, you can see Edith's two bottom teeth she recently "acquired." Hopefully Stacy will correct me, if I'm wrong, but I think Edith only has one tooth in on the top. She's loving chewing on things and drives Stacy crazy by grinding her teeth. Stacy has been working with her on picking the cereal up and eating it on her own. As you can see in the photos, she sometimes misses the mark.

Potty Training Update: Stacy has worked with Edith on her potty training this week. I believe that Edith went each time she was "on the pot." She does really well with staying on her "toilet." Alright, enough quotations for today. I'll try to get some more potty training pictures soon.

As always, thanks for tuning in to our little family updates.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Life of Boomer

Okay, I promise I will post some original photos sometime soon. All you ever get here is Edith & Boomer. I need some inspiration! ;)


Go Figure, More Photos of Edith ;)

You wouldn't know it by looking at our blog, but I like it when blog owners update their blog often. Even if it's "old" stuff...keep it comin'.

Plus, I just learned how to do these slideshows and I think it's pretty awesome! Enjoy!

P.S. I was a little bored, so I changed our blog template (in case you hadn't noticed). ;)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Reading & Clapping

Here is the improved, working video of Edith. Enjoy! :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Boomer Update 01/2008

Boomer Ima Ham celebrated his 1st birthday on December 21st. If I remember correctly, at the end of January, we will have had him for a year. Hard to believe!

As you can see from the photos & video, he has grown quite a bit. Boomer eats 45 pounds of dog food each month and is still eager to receive a treat for every good deed (which doesn't happen often enough).

One thing is certain, Boomer loves the snow! He is an entirely different dog in the winter. Yeah, he still enjoys playing in the spring, summer, and fall, but winter is where he shines. Some of his favorite activities include running with wreckless abandon, pouncing on his Ikea dog food bowl (that survived maybe 1 whole day), chasing after sticks and old tennis balls, and eating as much snow as he possibly can. We were keeping Boomer in the (fenced in) backyard this summer and fall for much of the day, but we had to restrict him to supervised visits when he masterminded a couple of escapes. We're hoping to repair and reinforce the fence this spring, so Boomer can once again experience unfettered outdoor living.

For now, we've decided not to get Boomer "fixed." We would like to breed him in the future, but we don't have a clue how to do so. So we'll see what happens.

Oh yeah, most importantly, Boomer & Edith interact quite well. Edith loves her puppy (I think I can still call him a puppy.), lighting up each time she sees him. We've been teaching her how to pet Boomer, as she just grabs a handful of fur, jowel, eyeball, or anything she finds right now. Boomer is really patient and doesn't react poorly to this. He needs constant reminding not to lick Edith or stick his face (wet nose) in Edith's face. We can definitely tell that he is jealous of the attention Edith receives from us, but he's going to have to learn to live with that.

Well, we've learned a lot of valuable lessons since we've had Boomer (too many to list here). We enjoy his companionship and spirit (for the most part) and look forward to his maturation into adulthood.

About Us

Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States